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Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011


Pier ex Japex

By: Freddy Ilhamsyah PA

Big plans Pangkalansusu various circles of society and its surroundings to create the Public Ports in Pangkalansusu supported by members of the House of Representative of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republik of Indonesia envoy of North Sumatra Province, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, SH, and from the Port Administrator Pangkalansusu, it’s still a dream.

Though support from Port Administrator Pangkalansusu been realized through a letter number PU.607/1/1/AD.PS-09 dated January 12, 2009, addressed to the Director General of Sea Transportation with 15 copies to the parties involved, among others, stated that based on the Decree of the Minister Transportation No. KM.33 of 2001 on the implementation and operation of article 41 of sea transport, ports Pangkalan Brandan and Pangkalan Susu can be defined as a port to serve the route across borders with the port of Malaysia and Thailand, given that the distance between the port does not exceed 150 miles, and ships that stop in the average port under the GT 175.

Also in the Decree of the Minister of Transportation number: KM.54 in 2002 on the Implementation of Sea Port, Article 40 paragraph (1) stated that the pier for their own interests (DUKS) can be used to serve the public interest with the approval of the organizers seaports as outlined in the form of cooperation with the principle of mutual benefit.

Whereas in the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) document between the President Director of PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia-I (Pelindo-I), Medan with PT Pertamina (Persero) signed by Harry Sutanto (Managing Director of IPC-I) in the office hall of the Ministry of SOEs street Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta, Thursday (20/8-2009) has explained that Pertamina has given authority to the PT Pelindo-I to operate the pier ex Japex in the region of specialized oil and gas Port Pertamina Pangkalansusu along with supporting facilities to be used as general ports that can serve the public interest in Pangkalansusu, Langkat Regency, Province North Sumatra, especially in the handling of liquid bulk commodities/Crude Palm Oil and its derivatives as well as general cargo.

While the PT Pelindo-I obliged to do the rehabilitation and development of facilities and preparation of terminal equipment required for operated Special Port Pertamina Pangkalansusu as a special port that can serve the public interest. And the Pelindo-I will also complete the necessary permits required for the operation of that particular port to the maritime authorities and other parties with the burden of costs borne by PT Pelindo-I. Not only that, PT Pelindo-I was also given the opportunity by Pertamina to include investors as strategic partners for the implementation of the agreement, particularly in the provision of facilities and infrastructure.

Then why until the time of this writing and the expiry of the MoU on February 20, 2010, there was still no sign of the commencement of rehabilitation of ex quay Japex to serve as Public Port area ?

Potential Hinterland

To support the development potential of hinterland and to encourage regional economic growth, then the pier ex Japex highly coveted by various groups including business people for the dock, can provide the Public Port.

Hinterland factor itself is also very supportive as expressed by the members of the Regional Representatives Council Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia envoy of North Sumatera, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, SH in special dialogs with the author during a review to the pier ex Japex, the end of July 2009.

According Parlindungan, ex pier Japex chosen to be the leading exporter of palm oil port of North Sumatra in particular Langkat and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Aceh Tamiang) because in Langkat and the surrounding area there are many oil palm plantations are quite spacious and is supported by the existence of several VFD (Oil Factory Palm) large in both regions.

According the data received from the Department of Forestry and Plantation Langkat, in 2005, CPO production of Langkat 1,500 Tons per day and from Aceh Tamiang district, East Aceh and North Aceh Regency carrying 1300 tons per day and all proceeds of the CPO production is shipped through the Port of Belawan.

While the 2006 data showed that the oil palm plantation area in Langkat District recorded 41,181 hectares and the production of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) as much as 117,211 tons. While for the year 2008 the people of oil palm plantation area has increased from 41,181 hectares turn into 41,531 hectares, and production also increased to 535,814 tons.

Special to cultivate oil palm fresh fruit bunches into CPO (crude palm oil) in region III Haru Bay region also has 4 MCC (Palm Oil Mill) and 3 KMS (Palm Oil Refinery) mills and refineries with a capacity of about 4200 tons/day.

For rubber plantation area of 41,503 hectares recorded produce 29,460 tons of rubber. Cocoa plantations covering an area of 2423 hectares of the people there with their products as much as 1699 tons. While the rice crop on an area of 82,447 hectares capable of producing as much as 448,824 tons of grain.

Especially for Pangkalan Susu also contained as many as 1806 wholesale and retail companies, 126 construction companies (general contractor), 226 industrial and processing of various types of food items. Farm crops not less than 197 hectares with production reached 1083 tons, and the land growing vegetables recorded no less than 90 hectares, with production amounting to 625 tons. Approximately 2964 hectares of paddy fields and capable of producing approximately 24,802 tons of grain.

While the economic perspective can be explained that the economy in Langkat District in 2008 was dominated by the agricultural sector with revenues of about USD 6.5 billion. In this sector, rice commodities listed as a contributor to PAD Langkat who reached the figure of around 54.27%, and from the industrial sector reached Rp 1.5 billion.

With no public ports in Pangkalan Susu, expected the economy in North Sumatra in particular Langkat and more specifically the Gulf region Haru Region III will certainly grow and develop into more excited again. Community leaders said Pangkalansusu, H. Khalid Batubara who is also a prominent mover to bring the dock into the Port of ex Japex General through support from various circles, among others, members of the DPD MPR RI messenger North Sumatra, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, SH, Head District Pangkalan Susu, Drs. Sukhyar Muliamin, Msi, Affair Langkat, Syahmadi, Head Business Unit Pertamina DOK PB / PS, Chairul Anwar, and Port Administrators Pangkalansusu, M. Yusuf including Director of IPC-I, Bambang EC

How did the response of the PT Pelindo-I related to the MoU itself ? According to them, the realization of this cooperation is a manifestation of the work plan Pelindo-I to develop the port and logistics business is predicted to increase so rapidly and is very competitive, following the enactment of Shipping Law No.17 of 2008. In addition, the MoU is also a manifestation of the work program (the performance of 100 days) Board of Directors to shareholders as well as efforts to accelerate business development and improve the quality of operational services based on user expectations seaport port services in both the perspective of infrastructure, superstructure, equipment, market expansion and synergy between the state with local governments and other strategic business partners.

Unfortunately, why the PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia-I until the end of the term of the MoU (08/20/2009 till 20/02/2010) with PT Pertamina (Perseo), have not fulfilled the MoU ?

"This is not true! It seems that the PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia-I have been doing public victimization. MoU has been approved and signed by the president director of PT Pelindo I, Harry Susanto, but why is not implemented properly, "said H. Khalid Batubara with a high tone when it is he was accompanied by several community leaders and youth leaders on the terrace of his residence, on Tuesday (11/01/2011).

According to the information while the circles, the Pelindo-I have trouble finding an investor to invest in projects to realize the ex Japex dock into the Public Port. Is that true ? Is not when eleven (11) MoU signing in Jakarta (08/20/2009) which was witnessed by Minister of State Enterprises and the Minister of Transportation, including Langkat Regent, Ngogesa Sitepu, there is mentioned that this cooperation within the next five years will require an investment estimated at USD 500 million, and for this year (2009) will invest Rp 532 billion (Gema Pelabuhan in August 2009 edition).

Profile Pier Ex Japex

Pier ex Japex located not far from the TPI (Fish Landing Places) yetty has a length of 100 meters, 9.45 meters wide, floor boards of 3 x 9 inches along the 85 meters with a steel pole, and 15 meters beyond the end of the pier is made of reinforced concrete pier capacity of 1500 DWT and has a resistance load of 10 tons, the threshold beyond 6 meters and the pool ranged from 5 to 10 meters. While the condition of the pier which is currently entrusted to the DOK PB / PS who is based in Pangkalan Susu only live about 30 to 40%.

To support the smooth operation of the shipping fleet, in 1967 stood Pertamina DOK PB/PS (Pangkalan Brandan/Pangkalan Susu), which is now known as PT Pertamina (Persero) Business Unit DOK.

Since 1972 DOK PB / PS began to develop the facilities and staff skills in Pangkalan Susu, ranging from the expansion of the dock, the rehabilitation of offices and workshops, new construction of mechanical workshops, workshop, electrical workshop, garage plate / weld, repair plumbing, carpentry workshops, logistics warehouse, power house complete with electricity network. While in Pangkalan Brandan DOK 3 slipway was built and operated to serve the ship repair dock weighing 50 to 250 tons, and a floating dock in Pangkalan Susu are able to support / lift vessels weighing 750 tons with a length of the ship 60 meters, 14 meters wide and high 6 meters.

Facilities available at Auto Plate and plate shears Las include engine capacity of up to 16 mm x 3000 mm, plate press machine capacity up to 200 tons x 3000 mm x 1000 mm, and plate roll machine capacity up to 16 mm x 3000 mm.

Currently available in the Mechanical Workshop lathe capacity up to 12 meters long x Ø 0.5 meters, horizontal drilling machine Ø 750 mm capacity, vertical drilling machine capacity up to Ø 75 mm, sekrap engine capacity up to 800 mm, static balancing equipment up to 3 meters Ø , and milling machine capacity up to 1000 mm x Ø 3:00 mm.

In addition, the ability of DOC production in PB / PS specifically for docking repair, namely repair ship machinery to 2,500 HP capacity, improved propulsion system capacity up to 12 meters long x Ø 3 meters, replating to 500 kg / day (certified welder from Indonesia Construction Agency/BKI=Badan Konstruksi Indonesia), repair the installation of pipes, electrical and navigation systems repair, etc..

Alluding to the availability of electrical energy in Langkat especially in the Gulf Region III Haru, PT PLN (Persero) is currently implementing the construction of mega power plant project in New capacity 2 x 200 MW in the village of Tanjung Pasir, Pangkalan Susu District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra Province, which is scheduled will enter the network system in 2011.

So no more excuses for the PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia-I, which had dared to sign the MoU with PT Pertamina (Persero) for not seeking a solution for the Public Port District may soon be realized in Langkat (Pangkalansusu). That hope most Pangkalansusu citizens and surrounding areas.

Pangkalan Susu, January 11, 2011

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011


By: Inge Suryani Purwita

Every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above, derived from the Father of light. In Him there is no change or shadow due to the exchange.(James 1:17)

Psalm 5:13 Because thou bless the righteous, O Lord, thou defend him with your grace like a shield. If we can contemplate God's grace given to every day, how much love and goodness to us, then we will be able to enjoy the grace of God as a special gift.If we can enjoy the grace of God as a gift is actually understanding and appreciation we will cross as Christ was the one who determines whether we can enjoy God's gift as a special gift or not. It also makes us to always have a heart full of gratitude or not. Not all believers to understand and appreciate the work of the Cross of Jesus Christ, even we see many who do not understand it, so we see a lot of people who believe her life is far from gratitude, filled with grumble and discontent. In order to understand the cross of Christ, we need to give gifts back to God who will make us able to feel how great God's love for us. Thus we can enjoy God's gift as a special gift.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus), so that everyone who believes believes in Him (Jesus) should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16)

"Blessed are those who do not walk according to the counsel of the wicked, who do not stand the way of sinners, and that does not sit in a collection of people who like to mock, but his favorite is the law of God, and who are contemplating the Torah on it day and night," (Psalm 1:1-2)

"In Him (Jesus), you also - because you have heard the word of truth, the Gospel of salvation; in nature Him you also, when you believe, sealed with the Holy Spirit, who promised it. And the Holy Spirit is the guarantee that our part until we get the whole, the redeemer who also makes us belong to God " (Ephesians 1:13-14). May Jesus Christ always bless those who believe in Him day and night. Amen.

Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, January 6, 2011