Kamis, 24 November 2011

Terrorist is International Enemy

By : Freddy Ilhamsyah PA

Functions and tasks of the National Agency for the Prevention (BNPT) and crack down on terrorists in anticipation of terrorist action is handled by three deputies, the Deputy I in charge of prevention efforts so that terrorists do not happen again. If the Deputy - I ( Prevention of Terrorism ) fail to complete their prevention, the Deputy - II ( taking of action and Preparedness Agency) who take action. Meanwhile, Deputy - III task of international cooperation because terrorism is the main internasional enemy. Of the three functions of the task that is the main point is to attempt and to prevent the terrorists that does not happen again.

This was conveyed by Deputy -I Terrorist Management National Agency ( BNPT ) Maj. Gen. Agus H. Bhakti Surya with the Director of the Prevention of Terrorism, Police Brigadier General Drs. Esa Permadi in terrorist events Prevention Socialization to a hundred junior high students, high school equivalent as well as community leaders from various ethnic, religious leaders, the village heads and village heads, leaders of PT Pertamina EP Pangkalansusu, JOB Pertamina - Costa and the element of youth in the Multipurpose Building Pangkalansusu, Saturday (19/11).

" We thought it was safe and quiet, apparently happening again in Cirebon, in the mosque the police anyway. Then following the terrorist attacks on the church. In the future we do not know where else will happen, " said two -star general 's Stabat origin.

According to the Kopassus alumni who 've overcome the unrest in Aceh a few years ago, terrorists were planning to do in the midst of society, and society there must be something to see and hear, because they were in the community. Therefore prevention becomes very important.

There may be in the audience asked why the implementation of anti- terrorism socialization is done in Pangkalansusu, because Pangkalansusu an area 's potential for inclusion of the effects of radicalism. We saw in Aceh, there are terrorist training, in the field there is a bank robbery and so on. So this area is quite vulnerable.

In addition, Agus also explained that radicalism is the seeds of terrorism. Radical stems from violence. Violence stems from people not satisfied, the envy, and this can lead people to do violence.

There may be in the audience asked why the implementation of anti- terrorism socialization is done in Pangkalansusu, because Pangkalansusu an area 's potential for inclusion of the effects of radicalism. We saw in Aceh, there are terrorist training, in the field there is a bank robbery and so on. So this area is quite vulnerable.

If the first is pure terrorist, according to Deputy -I BNPT, ideological reasons and beliefs. He gave an example, radicalism is not new, if we look at past history, there Kartosuryo with Darul Islam. That's where the seeds begin to emerge radicalism, where Kartosuryo want to establish an Islamic state, run Sharia - Islamic law, many of his followers, the most famous of which is Abubakar Baasyir and Abdullah Sungkar. The gang that was crushed by the military, Kartosuryo killed. But the doctrine did not die even they form Darul Islam in North Sumatra, Aceh and in Ujung Pandang.

As Indonesia entered the era of the new order, there are regulations ISA ( International Security Act ). This regulation is very hard, so they ( Saxon radicalism, ed ) fled to Malaysia, sumbur living in Malaysia. At the same time appeared the Russian intervention in Afghanistan ( Islamic state ), so it appears the Islamic solidarity throughout the world are called to assist his friends in Afghanistan against the Russians, including Indonesian youths from the Darul Islam in Malaysia. They went to Afghanistan to fight against Russia because of religious sentiment. They strive to defend his religion that has been oppressed by the Russians at that time. The initiative is the passion to defend Islam.

Similarly, at the time of Prophet Muhammad, when the Islamic religion was suppressed, their jihad against oppressor.

But many things affecting the Indonesian youths who had fought against the Russians in Afghanistan, they've joined the mujahit teachings of Islam from Pakistan, the Middle East and the flow of Al Qaeda whose teachings are very hard.

"That's where they are contaminated with the teachings of Islam are harder and more radical, " said Deputy -I BNPT.

When a new order emerged fallen reform, democratization, all may speak anything in the reform era. All can act anything. They returned to Indonesia. Since the start of the flow of radicalism thrives hard teachings and the teachings of terrorism in Indonesia. The young ex- combatants in Afghanistan split into two, one party that has been contaminated with Al Qaeda's Jemaah Islamiyah and the other to argue their duty to defend the religion of Afghanistan is over, Russia was defeated, they live peacefully again in Indonesia.

While the group Jemaah Islamiyah, which has been contaminated with the teachings of Osama Bin Laden remains opinionated America and its allies are the enemies of Islam including Indonesia are friendly to America. The Indonesian government is disbelieved, let's us versus the government of Indonesia. Finally they made a terror bombing in Bali, at the JW Marriot Hotel and several other places.

On the surface, Jemaah Islamiyah has been destroyed utterly destroyed Detachment 88, but the root of the problem has not been completed, continue to emerge precisely the spirit of jihad other versions. Because it seems this country's economy there is no progress, look at the tv news the Government continues to aggravate the personal existence, violent soap operas, etc. disappointment. " That's what continues to poison the minds of our young children, " said Agus.

Dialog with May.Gen. Agus Surya Bhakti about terrorism.

Touching upon the issue of jihad, Deputy -I BNPT Prevention Action field describes the terrorists, some have argued that the professed doctrines of jihad terrorists are Fisabilillah. Is this war era? There is also an opinion, to destroy people. Does Islam teach people to do violence? Islam never taught to perform acts of violence, but teaches us to do good for mankind, even not only to man, to nature and everything in it we also have to apply either.

" So, do not argue when it's killed several hundred people in the hope of directly go to heaven, greeted by an angel. So why do I bother to work, I take a bomb and then crash it, I die go to heaven. This understanding is ridiculous, "said Agus.

Therefore, Agus added, I will not cease to invite the scholars, students and friends at boarding school, let us together toward the true religion.

On several occasions I met with the people there are asking, why the Muslims are always blamed, and why Islam has always been said to be terrorists, why always say radical Islam. That's good if people realize that Islam is not a terrorist. Therefore, let us show that it is not radical Islam, and Islam was not a terrorist.

On several occasions I met with the people there are asking, why the Muslims are always blamed, and why Islam has always been said to be terrorists, why always say radical Islam. That's good if people realize that Islam is not a terrorist. Therefore, let us show the world that it is not radical Islam and Islam is not terrorist.

On the other hand, Agus invites all elements of society and the parents to supervise the behavior of their children so as not to fall into the trap of violence, radicalism, let alone caught in a terror network.

Sabtu, 12 November 2011

A Mother's Heartline

By: Seruni Nita

Mother, when your eyes closed in exhaustion is imagined in your eyes is the face of your children. What has happened with my kids today? " May they always be fine, " the words that escaped her lips.

Mother was so noble heart, but where your children when the mother is in anguish seeking a dollar for the sake of her baby. And when the mother away from her children, if anyone asks how her mother? Is there flashed in his mind, how my mother's current condition,good is he?

Outpouring of her heart has opened the eyes of my heart that no heart to a mother to her child, but why would a child have the heart of the mother who has nurtured since childhood to adulthood. Without the love of a father, mother's love is always devoted to you but when you're good at running and stepping as well as adults, the mother you never forget.

My mother just asked to be given little attention in the days begin to crawl this evening. MOM should not toil, but for you my son, let me live life even though my body ached. Legs began to falter. Power was gone. Spirit and your smile that made my mother stand at the shoreline.

This outpouring of her heart to me today to us ponder how noble heart of a mother towards her child. But where the conscience of a child when his mother in distress make a living for the future of their children.

Apparently there is not much we can do to a mother that she was always smiling, just give the mother 's attention, it's just a mother ask for. For example, by saying, Mom, how are you today or mother had eaten or not.

News and these words when we speak every day at a time when we are far away from him, how wonderful a mother's heart like a diamonds.

Hopefully these notes useful for us that far from being a MOM. Care about and pay attention to the mother while she was still there. Do not make her feel sad for her children no attention to his mother. Moreover, to make her cry because she felt had been forgotten by their children. Remember the saying of the wise, Heaven is in mother's feet.

Pangkalan Kerinci,Pelalawan-Riau, May 24, 2011

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011


By : Princess Lovely-Dew

Fight against pride ourselves...
And that brings me to understand...

Omission enchanting hearts...
And it was getting made me understand...

We will never live alone...
Many of our weaknesses that must be strengthened among...
Many of our helplessness that must be supported by fellow...

But .......
Many more ......
Hand fragile out there...

Who need us in love....
We were still too perfect...
To give in to circumstances that are often not considered beautiful...

Sometimes not knowing where decisive steps towards...
And that's what always makes us...
Tired .......

Belopa, South Sulawesi, January, 15.2011

Ps.: Want to read other articles from Princess Lovely-Dew ? Please open http://Princessdewcom.blogspot.com

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Fight Against Pride Ourselves

By : Princess Lovely-Dew

Fight against pride ourselves...
And that brings me to understand...

Omission enchanting hearts...
And it was getting made me understand...

We will never live alone...
Many of our weaknesses that must be strengthened among...
Many of our helplessness that must be supported by fellow...

But .......
Many more ......
Hand fragile out there...

Who need us in love....
We were still too perfect...
To give in to circumstances that are often not considered beautiful...

Sometimes not knowing where decisive steps towards...
And that's what always makes us...
Tired .......

Belopa, South Sulawesi, January, 15.2011

Ps.: Want to read other articles from Princess Lovely-Dew ? Please open http://Princessdewcom.blogspot.com

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Overview of The Presence of PT Pertamina EP Field Pangkalan Susu


History has recorded that the operations of oil and gas mining in any hemisphere always be a target of oil and gas industry companies since hundreds of years ago. Because fossil energy is not only provide one kind of liquid to humans, but so many types and variety, such as crude oil (crude oil), condensate and natural gas that is processed in refineries will give birth to generations of derivatives such as gasoline, premium, premix, aviation fuel, AVGAS, diesel, kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil, lubricating oil, grease, asphalt, LNG, LPG and petro chemical products such as nylon fibers, plastics, paint, poison insects, fertilizer, candles, soap, ointment, synthetic rubber etc.

In particular, crude oil derived from the location of Telaga Said, District Sei Lepan, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia, hundreds of years ago ever used by our predecessors as a weapon of war when the fighters in Aceh against the Portuguese Navy Fleet led by Admiral Alfonso D 'Albuquerque in a physical battle in the waters of the Malacca Strait between the island of Penang and Lhokseumawe (Pase).

Portuguese fleet is equipped with cannons and rifles of various sizes can be driven after a successful Portuguese warship sunk by the Acehnese fighters equipped only with swords, and tools rencong thrower "fireball" that the bullet made of stone wrapped in cloth dyeing liquid crude oil which is said coming from the region Telaga Said.

In addition to the aforementioned historical record, in this paper also presented a glimpse of the early entry of foreign petroleum companies to the region Langkat and a glimpse of the presence of PT Pertamina EP Region Sumatera Field Pangkalan Susu who work areas and their products is the birth of Pertamina's initial capital on 10 December 1957 at the Pangkalan Berandan (Pertamina office eks. Processing Unit - I) that there used to be Pertamina's head office is located in North Sumatra.

From the working area of Pertamina EP Field Pangkalan Susu, Pertamina was born and raised from the rubble of War II scrap metal remaining to be great like Pertamina, which you know today.

To get a clearer picture about the existence of Pangkalan Susu Field which is also part of the working area of PT Pertamina EP Region Sumatera which the main office located in Prabumulih, South Sumatra, is expected this paper to guide the young generation of Indonesia or anyone that needs to be aware of a glimpse of the history of oil and gas and mining activities that began in Telaga Said, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. With hope, may be worthwhile to add to your vocabulary knowledge and on the existence of Pertamina EP Field Pangkalan Susu from time to time.

The operations of oil and gas mining in the largest archipelagic country in this planet is one industry that has developed since the nineteenth century by Aeliko Janszoon Zijlker (inventor of the first commercial oil enough in Indonesia, which was then still called Nederlandsche Indie) , when administrators tobacco plantations "Deli Mij" it found the largest oil reserves in the Dutch East Indies on June 15, 1885, namely the well Telaga Tunggal One is now known as the Telaga Said structure in the village of Telaga Said, District Sei Lepan, Langkat regency of North Sumatra. Zijlker success in Telaga Said has outperformed its predecessor, Colonel Drake who first conduct petroleum manhunt in Java, but to no avail, so that attracts many enthusiasts to search for oil in the various regions in Indonesia, including in Cepu, Jambi, East Aceh, Palembang and East Kalimantan until the end of the century - XIX petroleum company has been operating in the Dutch East Indies (now known as Indonesia).

In subsequent developments have occurred merging several oil companies, so that at the beginning of the twentieth century there were only two major companies operating in the Dutch East Indies ie, De Koninklijke & Tranding and Shell Transport Company (Shell).

Then De Koninklijke, owned by the Dutch Government, joined Shell (Great Britain) in 1907 and the merger of two giant oil company that was born the oil company Shell Group De Koninklijke Inggerisnya or in a language known as Royal Dutch Shell, which is one - the only oil company caliber world oil mining in Indonesia. In running its business the company is to obtain full support from the Government of the Netherlands East Indies in the archipelago.

In carrying out the petroleum industry Royal Dutch Shell form three companies implementing or operating company, namely De Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij (BPM) which is engaged in the exploration, production and processing. Asiatic Petroleum is engaged in the marketing and Anglo Saxon Petroleum Company specifically address the problem of oil transportation.

Since the formation of Royal Dutch Shell, De Koninklijke all concession areas and Shell conducted by BPM included in Langkat and East Aceh which is now known as the working area of PT Pertamina EP Region Sumatera.

Meanwhile, Pertamina EP Field (Exploration & Production) Pangkalan Susu is based on the Directors Decree No. Kpts - 070 / C0000 / 94-S8 May 11, l994 has been replaced as it is called the Asset Pangkalan Susu is one of two operational areas Pertamina DOH NAD - Sumbagut, namely Asset Rantau, based in Rantau, East Aceh, and Asset Pangkalan Susu, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra.

Asset Pangkalan Susu later renamed Pangkalan Susu area that is now known as Field Pangkalan Susu located about 110 km northwest of Medan, or about 24 km west town of Pangkalan Berandan is an oil and gas field of the oldest in recorded history Mining and Petroleum Industry of Indonesia, namely since the structure of the Telaga Said was found on July 31, 1876 by Aeilko Janszoon Zijlker, horticulturist tobacco "Tobacco Deli Maatschappij" the Dutch nationality. Having obtained a concession from the Sultan Langkat (Musa) on August 8, 1883, Zijlker which has brought together funding from several friends in the land of Windmills that, immediately perform the first oil well drilling in Telaga Tiga.

Efforts are made Zijlker et al. On 17 November 1884 at the well Telaga Tiga at Telaga Said structures were not produced results as expected even though the job of drilling that has been running about two months.

Oil obtained Zijlker et al. just as much as 200 liters, while the gas burst from Lake Three wells large enough, so the hope of obtaining oil in larger quantities to be gone.

However, it did not make Zijlker et al. despair. They divert their activities to the east concession area is bounded from the coast Lepan River, Mount Sentang up to Bukit Tinggi approximately 16 km south of the city of Pangkalan Berandan.

The second drilling bit difficult because the soil structure at the site Telaga Said harder when compared to soil structure at the location of Telaga Tiga. However, it is not an obstacle to Zijlker et al to continue drilling the well Telaga Tunggal which finally began to show results quite encouraging. This is evident when drilling reached a depth of about 22 meters have been obtained l710 liters of oil in just over 48 hours of work. When drilling reached a depth of 31 meters, the resulting oil has reached about 86.402 liters.

Thanks to the persistence of Zijlker cs who has spent quite a lot of money in an effort pepengeboran it, finally one day in the historic gold mining history record oil in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) occurred on June 15, 1885, when drilling reached a depth of 121 meters, arrive - came appear strong bursts of gas, water mixed with crude oil through the well hole Telaga Tunggal I therefore continued in the well drilling had stopped.

Wells Telaga Tunggal - I then stated as the first oil well in the Dutch East Indies who have the level of commercial production for more than fifteen years to reach production levels of about l80 barrels per day.

Results on the Telaga Tunggal - I have created a spirit Zijlker cs to do next drilling in the area surrounding the structure Telaga Said and whose numbers have reached hundreds of wells.

Entering 1926, NV. Koninklijke Nederlandsche Petroleum Maatschappijtot Brownen In Exploitatie van Nederlandsche Indie (Royal Dutch Company) which has joined with Shell Transport & Tranding Company on February 24, 1907 in place of the Koninklijke Shell Group or the later better known as SHELL, through its subsidiaries named Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij (BPM) continues to carry out the drilling business is developed starting from structure Telaga Said to structure Arubay on the Gulf coast Haru, Pangkalan Susu and Rantau structure in East Aceh. Successive oil companies combined Dutch and British have discovered several new structures including the structure of Telaga Darat (1884), Telaga Said (1885), Kepala Gajah (1900), Bukit Sentang (1927), Arubay (1927), Pulau Panjang (1928), Gebang (1936) and the structure of Paluh Tabuhan Timur (1937).

Meanwhile, since Indonesia proclaimed its independence, Pertamina and its business partners (Nosodeco) through the first Production Sharing Contract in Indonesia has succeeded in developing Paluh Tabuhan Timur structure with as many as l5 drill wells and produce about 253,600 m3 of crude oil per year (1961-1962).

With these successes, the company grew so keen to find new oil reserves such as the structure of wasp Paluh West (1970-MOI), Wampu, former BPM l950 (l972), Diski (1973), Batu Mandi (1973), Besitang (1977) , Securai (1981), Polonia (1983), Pantai Pakam Timur (1984), Sungai Buluh (1984), Pulau Sembilan (1985), Tungkam (1988), Pulau Rawa (1980), Paluh Sipat (1993) and Paluh Sane (1994).

Until the year 2006 as many as 990 wells have been drilled in the region of PT Pertamina EP Field Pangkalan Susu, spread in 37 structures, there were 87 producing wells, and the rest in deferred status.

While the working area of PT Pertamina EP Field Pangkalan Susu in North Sumatra Province recorded an area of approximately 14.211.74 Km2, which includes areas Langkat controlled by Pertamina is an area of 8.377.586.37 m2 rest are in Deli Serdang District, Region City Government Binjai and the city of Medan.

Pertamina EP Field Pangkalan Susu oil and gas reserves in the North Sumatra basin. The basin is a Tertiary basin in parts of Northeast restricted Sunda Shelf, south of Bow Asahan restricted and limited in southwest Bukit Barisan Mountains.

North Sumatra Basin there is accumulation of oil and gas as it has been produced in the Field Pangkalan Susu, Rantau Field, Arun field and so forth.

According to data topography said that the North Sumatra basin formation occurred after the tectonic movements at the end of time Misosoikum or prior to the deposition of Tertiary sediments.

Konvergern movements occurred in the late tertiary and produce hollow shapes round and elongated northwest trending to the southeast.

The process of sediment deposition that occurred during the Tertiary, in general begins with transgressions and regressions followed after is at the maximum depth. Then followed also by the movement - a movement of tectonic movement in the late Tertiary oblique konvergern as part of a regional tectonic movement at the time.

In North Sumatra Basin there are two patterns of structure, namely the time of Pre Tertiary and Upper Tertiary (Plio Pleistocene), the patterns are structurally similar to the general structural pattern found in the basin back-arc basin along the Sumatra Island.

In the North Sumatra basin there are also the sediments from the sediment surface, and deep-sea transition that occurs through the process of transgressions.

The process of transgressions have shaped deposits coarse grained clastic rocks and smooth, rock black clay, marl, clay rocks, limestone and shale, all precipitated and is located not in harmony over the Pre-Tertiary rocks.


Talking about the stratigraphy can be explained as follows:

North Sumatra basin sediments occurs starting at the Oligocene-Early, in the form of coarse clastic sedimentary rocks above pratesier rock formations known as Prapat. Meanwhile, on clay rock formations Prapat black precipitate which is then referred to as the formation Bampo.

Meanwhile, when trasgresi sea to the top and stopped at the Early Miocene, the deposition of tuffaceous rocks that contain lots of planktonic foraminitera called Peutu formation.

While in the eastern basin formation there Peutu Belumai sediment formation which developed into two classical and carbonate sedimentary facies.

The deposition was continued until the Middle Miocene with the deposition of the shale formations on which Baong diendapan Keutapang formation, and formation Seureula and Julok Rayeuk which is a type of regression.

In the position is not in tune, on top of Toba tuff and alluvium deposited as illustrated in the diagram Stratigraphi North Sumatra basin.

Can be added here that the oil and gas contained in the working area of the Asset Pangkalan Susu produced from the middle layer of sandstone formations Baong (MBS) and the bottom layer of sand formations Keutapang.

As an illustration can be explained here that the formation Baong generally fine grained sand, massive, contain minerals glankonit, clean with moderate to good porosity. While on a thin layer, generally grained, clay, porosity and shale ugly.

Group of layers of sandstone in the middle of the formation Baong Besitang structure and Paluh Tabuhan Barat called Besitang River capable of producing oil and gas.

While the Keutapang formation was deposited under conditions neritik in until marin and is a productive zone in the structure of Gebang, Paluh Tabuhan Timur and Pulau Panjang structure.

Structural Geology

After briefly presented on Stratigraphy, so now will be presented on the geological structure in the working area of Pertamina Field Pangkalan Susu. Geological structure in this region is characterized by anticline structure with a northwest southeast. While in the Northeast in the form of anticline with the axis lies on the coast of the Straits of Malacca with a peak in the Gebang structure and Paluh Tabuhan Timur structure.

Meanwhile, another anticline, to South West, which is a long anticline with a peak in the structure Securai and Long Island. While leading on the Southwest anticline West wasp with a peak in the structure Paluh Tabuhan Timur and anticline with a peak in the Besitang structure.

Fault in the form of a normal fault and reverse fault in this area. Normal fault is usually parallel to the fold axis but there are several leading North East and South West. Reverse fault as in the Northeast Besitang estimated associated with shale diapir.

Shale intrusions were common in the North Sumatra basin. Flakes of Keutapang formation. Often associated anticline intrusive and shale is estimated as a media for migration of hydrocarbons from shale rock formations originally in Baong into Keutapang formation.

The existence of folds and diapir as described above, the possibility is related to block faulting in the rock bottom that can be identified as the main mechanism of the North Sumatra basin.

As noted in previous sheet that from 1884 to 1998 for the working area of the Field Pangkalan Susu've done as much as 37 contained in the hydrocarbon structure Langkat (Gebang structure, Paluh Tabuhan Barat, Paluh Tabuhan Timur, Pulau Panjang etc.) and Deli Serdang (Hamparan Perak structure) and in the vicinity of Kota Binjai (Wampu structure) and Medan (Polonia structure).

As one of the field exploration and production in the operations of PT Pertamina EP Region Sumatera based in Prabumulih, Pertamina EP Field Pangkalan Susu has a great share in maintaining the existence of Pertamina EP in North Sumatra, particularly in terms of procurement of oil and gas - even though today oil and gas production has been declining due to natural factors because most of the oil and gas fields have been elderly (brown fields), - especially regarding the inclusion of PAD (revenue) for Langkat regency of North Sumatra and a large well of oil and gas revenues as well as tax and VAT PPH. Billions of dollars have been paid by Pertamina EP to the local government. Example for PPH tax and VAT in the year of 2007 have been paid amounting to Rp 35.580.508.150, - and for 2008 (the period from January to September) was recorded at Rp 32.907.430.839, - exceeding paid in the same period in 2007 which recorded only Rp 16.082.810 902, -

As for the smooth delivery of oil and gas from wells - oil and gas wells that dot the productive structures to the Tank Meters and shelters in Tank Yard, Hill Khayangan, Pangkalan Susu which will be distributed to the UP-I refinery fuel and refinery Berandan Base others, including the delivery of gas to PLN, PGN and so on, in Field Pangkalan Susu there are as many as 6 (six) Station Collectors / Compressor Station (SP / SK) equipped with 32 units of compressors of various types and sizes. Of this amount recorded only 6 units in operation (PML data in October 2008). Compressor-compressor is used to serve the oil and gas supplies from existing structures in the Field Rantau, Aceh Tamiang and of existing structures in the Field Base Milk to be stored in Tank Yard, Hill Khayangan, Pangkalan Susu or directly sent or shipped to the refinery fuel Cilacap or to-tail feather tail feather Balikpapan using tankers through SBM (Single Bouy Mooring) located about 31 km off the coast of the Gulf of Aru near the Strait of Malacca.

For additional information may be explained here that Pangkalan Susu Special Oil & Gas Port was built by the Dutch in 1898 is an oil exporting port of the first and oldest in Indonesia that its waters are not accessible to large tankers, then built Single Bouy Mooring offshore Gulf Haru, Subregency Pangkalan Susu, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, a miniature can be seen in the form of monument on the banks of the turnpike Sumatra, precisely at Simpang Tiga Pangkalan Susu. Desa Lubuk Kasih, District of West Berandan, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, which is the only entrance to the town of Pangkalan Susu (Center Field Offices of PT Pertamina EP Pangkalan Susu).

Talking about environmental protection, remains a top priority Pertamina to handle it seriously, and this is already a commitment of Pertamina since the establishment of the Coordinating Agency for Environmental Protection (BKLL) on June 7, 1973. BKLL formation can also be interpreted as a declaration of commitment to the national petroleum industry activity.

Meanwhile, to increase knowledge and understanding of the workers and pekarya (labor contract) including partners and business partners about the importance of environmental protection, then periodically Pertamina offered an opportunity for the oil man to attend training programs and courses including those related to health and safety issues and training techniques to extinguish the fire burning (Fire Fighting Technique), exploisidemo and so forth. It also provided a place of business practices and training of fire prevention and suppression of fire in the Fire Training Ground, Pangkalan Susu.

Strictly speaking, the problem of environmental protection, health and safety had always been applied in all operational functions of Pertamina.

For example the implementation of efforts to save the environment and safety protection at each site drilling oil and gas wells are also available special shelters for mud drilling wastes and remains of the oil spill from drilling equipment and so forth. It is also equipped with fire fighting equipment and gas leak detectors.

Meanwhile, to anticipate the danger of fire at the complex office and employee housing, including a fire at the location of oil and gas wells and fires in an urban environment community, Pertamina EP Field Pangkalan Susu also provide some units of fire trucks are stationed in the Office of KK/LL Pangkalan Susu. "Nothing works better than at work" means, if there's disaster work. That's the motto for Fire Extinguisher Fire officials in Pangkalan Susu Field.

As a State Owned Company which is engaged in oil and gas mining, the second best in Asean, Pertamina in carrying out the exploration activities of oil and gas resources are generally conducted in the area of tidal marshes, so that inevitably, the role of heavy equipment vehicles such as bulldozers, payloader, graders, dump trucks, Backho, trado, scanners and scammel much needed when opening new drilling locations.

To take care of heavy equipment and vehicles including maintenance and repair other machines, in the Field Base Milk is also available which is also a mechanical workshop equipped with lathes and so on.

Meanwhile, to carry out oil and gas well drilling is across the mainland Pangkalan Susu like Pulau Panjang and surrounding areas, at the Pangkalan Susu Field is also available a landing craft unit, tug boats and several units of speedboat.

Meanwhile, to support the smooth operation and functions of inter-regional communication between operations, between workers/pekarya who served in the drilling and in the SP/SK, at the Pangkalan Susu Field is also available facilities and telecommunication facilities, for example, Radio Multi & Single Channel, Base Repeater, Handy Talky, Two Way Radio, Central PABX, device internal network, PT Telkom phone line, and LAN (Local Area Net Work).

As a State-owned enterprise vital that until now still be relied upon as the backbone for the procurement of the PAD (Regional original Income) and the input of foreign exchange for the State, including as a supplier of fuel and gas for the community, the stamina and fitness of the workers and the environment pekarya (labor contract) PT Pertamina EP Field Pangkalan Susu should remain in prime condition.

For this purpose other than a public clinic, at the Field Base Milk also contained Sports Stadium (anno 1974) in Bukit Kunci the most comprehensive in North Sumatra and even the stadium has been used several times for football competitions local and national level.

In addition to the soccer field and athletics, in the vicinity of Key Hill Sports Stadium field there are also several Tennis, Basketball, Volly, badminton and mini golf course there is also a building meeting Petro Ria Bukit Kunci and Guest House in Bukit Khayangan, Pangkalan Susu.

Meanwhile, to improve the quality of human resources, HR Function PT Pertamina EP Field Pangkalan Susu continuously send the workers (employees of Pertamina) to attend courses and training in various disciplines including on Selection and Maintenance of Electrical Transformer, Cost Accounting, & Cathodic Corrosion Protection, Traffict & Nework Management, Well Completion and Work over, Public Relations Strategies, Centrifugal Pump Operation and Maintenance, Cost Control and Budgeting & forth. For the year 2008 (January-September) has been noted that as many as 60 times the workers on the course / training in Kilkenny, Prabumulih, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung and Semarang.

In addition to implementing quality improvement programs of human resources for workers Pertamina, the HR function also provides an opportunity for students, high school students and street vendors in sederjat to carry out related functions. For 2008, there were 88 students and students who follow them from street vendors ITB, ITS, State Polytechnic of Jakarta, UISU, ITM, UMI, IAIN, UMSU, STM YPT Pangkalan Brandan, STM Binjai and SMEA Pangkalan Susu.

In line with the issuance of Law no. 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Natural Gas dated 23 November 2001 and the enactment of the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 31 of 2003 on the Transfer of Going Pertamina (Persero) on June 18, 2003, then through a Deed Janis Lenny Isaac, SH dated September 17, 2003, Pertamina has officially changed its status from a Limited Liability Company owned PT Pertamina (Persero).

Pertamina and its meaning changes logo

Thought for the logo change Pertamina actually already appeared in 1976, but changes can not be done in a hurry. Many of the challenges and differences of opinion about the discourse to change the logo of Pertamina.

Disagreement about the idea to change the logo must be understood because Pertamina Pertamina logo that we have known since 1968 to have an emotional bond when Pertamina confirmed through Law No. 8 of 1971, a logo that formed in 1968 also confirmed by Director Decree No.914/Kpts/DR/DU/1972.

When the restructuring program initiated in 1994, people have not realized that Pertamina began to change gradually until on 17 September 2003 were turned into state-owned companies. The changes are still rolling.

Over the past 37 years we know the logo of a pair of seahorses flanking a five-star as the identity of Pertamina. The logo is so familiar and easy to be seen everywhere, for example at filling stations and oil tankers and LPG are passing through to remote areas.

Now the logo of a pair of "Sea Horse" has been replaced with a new logo in the form of letters P which represent the overall shape of an arrow with three colors, namely red, blue and green.

Copyright New Logo Pertamina has been registered and approved by the Directorate of Copyright, Industrial Designs, Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits & Trade Secret, the Department of Justice and Human Rights by Letter Creation Registration No.028344 dated October 10, 2005.

Even two years to switch from state-owned Pertamina into Limited Liability Company (PT) on September 17, 2003 as menyahuti contents contents of the Law No.22 of 2001 on Mining Companies Oil and Gas (Pertamina), then on September 17, 2005 PT Pertamina (Persero) as the Holding Company has established a sub-holding company called PT Pertamina EP, led by Managing Director, Kun Kurnely.

Commencing from the signing of the Cooperation Contract (KKS) between BP Migas and PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT Pertamina EP on September 17, 2005, the entire former WKP (Mining Area) Pertamina, outside block Cepu and Randugunting, switch to PT Pertamina management EP. Especially for WKP Pertamina in Sumatra Island is managed by PT Pertamina EP Region Sumatera.

While the Decree of the President Director of PT Pertamina EP No.Kpts P-020/EP0000/2006-S8 January 13, 2006, then starting from February 7, 2006, PT Pertamina EP Region Sumatera has formed and led by a Vice President, Setyoko Misman ( first vice president) in charge of 6 (six) areas of operation, namely Rantau Area, Pangkalan Susu Area, Jambi Area, Area lyrics, Prabumulih Area, and Pendopo Area, each headed by Area Manager (later changed to the name with the Field Manager), and 2 (two) Business Unit, Pertamina EP (Jambi) and Pertamina EP (Limau) led by General Manager.

With the Decree of the president director of Pertamina EP above, then the administration DOH NAD - Sumbagut has been divided into 2 (two) Field, the Field Rantau to areas of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and Field Pangkalan Susu for North Sumatra. Each field directly related to the Sumatra Region Headquarters in Prabumulih - South Sumatra.

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Don’t Blame God When Dreams Failed

By: Inge Suryani Purwita

As a servant of God called human beings, on time and living life on this planet every person must have many dreams and hopes that will grasp and achieve. It has become a human nature wherever they are.

We have a dream. Many people say that. It's okey. Because we are not forbidden to have a lot of imagination, dreams, aspirations and expectations. Even the wise man said, "To hang up your ambition as high as the stars in the sky."

With full confidence, hard work and smart work, there are many people who succeeded in achieving its goals as depicted in the film "Lasykar Pelangi” (Rainbow Paramilitary Unit) and "Sang Pemimpi”(Dreamer).

However, not infrequently dreams that originally expected is a beautiful dream that was obtained was a nightmare.

Apparently, the ideals and hopes it's just still a dream within a dream, not a dream in the real world. Then, came a few questions, who would we blame if these things can not happen as expected? Was God to blame? No way! Because God is never wrong! So, who is wrong? Do examine yourself, whether the program is executed to realize the dream that is in conformity with the Standard Operation Procedure or mySAP which has been prepared by the relevant experts? If so, where else where the fault?

To answer this question, writer remembered with song titled "Untuk kita renungkan” (For us think) by EBIT G. Ade, that is ; We have naked and really clean, pure birth and in the heart. Looking inside before the talk, get rid of dust that linger .............. Grace and calamity is God's will. We must be brave to undergo. Only a small whip for us aware. He is above all else.

But certainly, and to remember that God never tried or tested the human race as described in Yacobus 1:13-14 "If a man is tempted, he is not to say, this experiment comes from God. For God can not be tempted by evil and He Himself does not tempt anyone, but every man is tempted by his own desires, because he was dragged and lured by it."

Seemed to have a lot of people who are far from God and live in uncleanness, but God never let go of our hands. God even always want to pull us back to living on the streets that have been defined, so that we can experience His promises according to His design for us. Therefore, whatever happens, do not rely on humans, except God!

Therefore we should not fear or despair quickly if a failure because we still have a prayer that would one day be answered, and we also still have God who always gives what we need in a timely manner. This year, leave all the dreams and expectations into the power of God because He will fulfill all of them.

Remember! "In love there is no fear, perfect love obliterate fear, for fear of punishment and whoever is afraid contains, it is not perfect in love." (1 Jn 4:18)

"Thus saith the LORD, who has made the earth to shape and enforce it - the LORD is his name -;" Cry to Me, then I will answer thee and will tell you great things and that is not understood, that the things you do not know,"(Jeremiah 33:2-3)

Therefore, do not violate God if you have failed in realizing your ambition, dreams and expectations. Because, "Do you not know that the purpose of God's grace is to lead thee to repentance? But by violence yangtidak your heart to repent, thou hoard wrath upon yourselves in the day of wrath and the just punishment of God will be declared, "(Romans 2:4 b, 5)

"Blessed are the forgiven offense-the offense, and who covered his sins; blessed man of God that sin is not reckoned to him." (Romans 4:7-8). Amen.

Note: COOL / PA every Saturday at 17:00 at the family home Edwards, Inge Syriac Purwita, Bryan and Naomi in Jalan Pinang Merah V No. 6 Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. Open to the general public who want to join us.

Pondok Indah, South Jakarta February 06, 2011

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011


Pier ex Japex

By: Freddy Ilhamsyah PA

Big plans Pangkalansusu various circles of society and its surroundings to create the Public Ports in Pangkalansusu supported by members of the House of Representative of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republik of Indonesia envoy of North Sumatra Province, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, SH, and from the Port Administrator Pangkalansusu, it’s still a dream.

Though support from Port Administrator Pangkalansusu been realized through a letter number PU.607/1/1/AD.PS-09 dated January 12, 2009, addressed to the Director General of Sea Transportation with 15 copies to the parties involved, among others, stated that based on the Decree of the Minister Transportation No. KM.33 of 2001 on the implementation and operation of article 41 of sea transport, ports Pangkalan Brandan and Pangkalan Susu can be defined as a port to serve the route across borders with the port of Malaysia and Thailand, given that the distance between the port does not exceed 150 miles, and ships that stop in the average port under the GT 175.

Also in the Decree of the Minister of Transportation number: KM.54 in 2002 on the Implementation of Sea Port, Article 40 paragraph (1) stated that the pier for their own interests (DUKS) can be used to serve the public interest with the approval of the organizers seaports as outlined in the form of cooperation with the principle of mutual benefit.

Whereas in the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) document between the President Director of PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia-I (Pelindo-I), Medan with PT Pertamina (Persero) signed by Harry Sutanto (Managing Director of IPC-I) in the office hall of the Ministry of SOEs street Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta, Thursday (20/8-2009) has explained that Pertamina has given authority to the PT Pelindo-I to operate the pier ex Japex in the region of specialized oil and gas Port Pertamina Pangkalansusu along with supporting facilities to be used as general ports that can serve the public interest in Pangkalansusu, Langkat Regency, Province North Sumatra, especially in the handling of liquid bulk commodities/Crude Palm Oil and its derivatives as well as general cargo.

While the PT Pelindo-I obliged to do the rehabilitation and development of facilities and preparation of terminal equipment required for operated Special Port Pertamina Pangkalansusu as a special port that can serve the public interest. And the Pelindo-I will also complete the necessary permits required for the operation of that particular port to the maritime authorities and other parties with the burden of costs borne by PT Pelindo-I. Not only that, PT Pelindo-I was also given the opportunity by Pertamina to include investors as strategic partners for the implementation of the agreement, particularly in the provision of facilities and infrastructure.

Then why until the time of this writing and the expiry of the MoU on February 20, 2010, there was still no sign of the commencement of rehabilitation of ex quay Japex to serve as Public Port area ?

Potential Hinterland

To support the development potential of hinterland and to encourage regional economic growth, then the pier ex Japex highly coveted by various groups including business people for the dock, can provide the Public Port.

Hinterland factor itself is also very supportive as expressed by the members of the Regional Representatives Council Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia envoy of North Sumatera, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, SH in special dialogs with the author during a review to the pier ex Japex, the end of July 2009.

According Parlindungan, ex pier Japex chosen to be the leading exporter of palm oil port of North Sumatra in particular Langkat and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Aceh Tamiang) because in Langkat and the surrounding area there are many oil palm plantations are quite spacious and is supported by the existence of several VFD (Oil Factory Palm) large in both regions.

According the data received from the Department of Forestry and Plantation Langkat, in 2005, CPO production of Langkat 1,500 Tons per day and from Aceh Tamiang district, East Aceh and North Aceh Regency carrying 1300 tons per day and all proceeds of the CPO production is shipped through the Port of Belawan.

While the 2006 data showed that the oil palm plantation area in Langkat District recorded 41,181 hectares and the production of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) as much as 117,211 tons. While for the year 2008 the people of oil palm plantation area has increased from 41,181 hectares turn into 41,531 hectares, and production also increased to 535,814 tons.

Special to cultivate oil palm fresh fruit bunches into CPO (crude palm oil) in region III Haru Bay region also has 4 MCC (Palm Oil Mill) and 3 KMS (Palm Oil Refinery) mills and refineries with a capacity of about 4200 tons/day.

For rubber plantation area of 41,503 hectares recorded produce 29,460 tons of rubber. Cocoa plantations covering an area of 2423 hectares of the people there with their products as much as 1699 tons. While the rice crop on an area of 82,447 hectares capable of producing as much as 448,824 tons of grain.

Especially for Pangkalan Susu also contained as many as 1806 wholesale and retail companies, 126 construction companies (general contractor), 226 industrial and processing of various types of food items. Farm crops not less than 197 hectares with production reached 1083 tons, and the land growing vegetables recorded no less than 90 hectares, with production amounting to 625 tons. Approximately 2964 hectares of paddy fields and capable of producing approximately 24,802 tons of grain.

While the economic perspective can be explained that the economy in Langkat District in 2008 was dominated by the agricultural sector with revenues of about USD 6.5 billion. In this sector, rice commodities listed as a contributor to PAD Langkat who reached the figure of around 54.27%, and from the industrial sector reached Rp 1.5 billion.

With no public ports in Pangkalan Susu, expected the economy in North Sumatra in particular Langkat and more specifically the Gulf region Haru Region III will certainly grow and develop into more excited again. Community leaders said Pangkalansusu, H. Khalid Batubara who is also a prominent mover to bring the dock into the Port of ex Japex General through support from various circles, among others, members of the DPD MPR RI messenger North Sumatra, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, SH, Head District Pangkalan Susu, Drs. Sukhyar Muliamin, Msi, Affair Langkat, Syahmadi, Head Business Unit Pertamina DOK PB / PS, Chairul Anwar, and Port Administrators Pangkalansusu, M. Yusuf including Director of IPC-I, Bambang EC

How did the response of the PT Pelindo-I related to the MoU itself ? According to them, the realization of this cooperation is a manifestation of the work plan Pelindo-I to develop the port and logistics business is predicted to increase so rapidly and is very competitive, following the enactment of Shipping Law No.17 of 2008. In addition, the MoU is also a manifestation of the work program (the performance of 100 days) Board of Directors to shareholders as well as efforts to accelerate business development and improve the quality of operational services based on user expectations seaport port services in both the perspective of infrastructure, superstructure, equipment, market expansion and synergy between the state with local governments and other strategic business partners.

Unfortunately, why the PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia-I until the end of the term of the MoU (08/20/2009 till 20/02/2010) with PT Pertamina (Perseo), have not fulfilled the MoU ?

"This is not true! It seems that the PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia-I have been doing public victimization. MoU has been approved and signed by the president director of PT Pelindo I, Harry Susanto, but why is not implemented properly, "said H. Khalid Batubara with a high tone when it is he was accompanied by several community leaders and youth leaders on the terrace of his residence, on Tuesday (11/01/2011).

According to the information while the circles, the Pelindo-I have trouble finding an investor to invest in projects to realize the ex Japex dock into the Public Port. Is that true ? Is not when eleven (11) MoU signing in Jakarta (08/20/2009) which was witnessed by Minister of State Enterprises and the Minister of Transportation, including Langkat Regent, Ngogesa Sitepu, there is mentioned that this cooperation within the next five years will require an investment estimated at USD 500 million, and for this year (2009) will invest Rp 532 billion (Gema Pelabuhan in August 2009 edition).

Profile Pier Ex Japex

Pier ex Japex located not far from the TPI (Fish Landing Places) yetty has a length of 100 meters, 9.45 meters wide, floor boards of 3 x 9 inches along the 85 meters with a steel pole, and 15 meters beyond the end of the pier is made of reinforced concrete pier capacity of 1500 DWT and has a resistance load of 10 tons, the threshold beyond 6 meters and the pool ranged from 5 to 10 meters. While the condition of the pier which is currently entrusted to the DOK PB / PS who is based in Pangkalan Susu only live about 30 to 40%.

To support the smooth operation of the shipping fleet, in 1967 stood Pertamina DOK PB/PS (Pangkalan Brandan/Pangkalan Susu), which is now known as PT Pertamina (Persero) Business Unit DOK.

Since 1972 DOK PB / PS began to develop the facilities and staff skills in Pangkalan Susu, ranging from the expansion of the dock, the rehabilitation of offices and workshops, new construction of mechanical workshops, workshop, electrical workshop, garage plate / weld, repair plumbing, carpentry workshops, logistics warehouse, power house complete with electricity network. While in Pangkalan Brandan DOK 3 slipway was built and operated to serve the ship repair dock weighing 50 to 250 tons, and a floating dock in Pangkalan Susu are able to support / lift vessels weighing 750 tons with a length of the ship 60 meters, 14 meters wide and high 6 meters.

Facilities available at Auto Plate and plate shears Las include engine capacity of up to 16 mm x 3000 mm, plate press machine capacity up to 200 tons x 3000 mm x 1000 mm, and plate roll machine capacity up to 16 mm x 3000 mm.

Currently available in the Mechanical Workshop lathe capacity up to 12 meters long x Ø 0.5 meters, horizontal drilling machine Ø 750 mm capacity, vertical drilling machine capacity up to Ø 75 mm, sekrap engine capacity up to 800 mm, static balancing equipment up to 3 meters Ø , and milling machine capacity up to 1000 mm x Ø 3:00 mm.

In addition, the ability of DOC production in PB / PS specifically for docking repair, namely repair ship machinery to 2,500 HP capacity, improved propulsion system capacity up to 12 meters long x Ø 3 meters, replating to 500 kg / day (certified welder from Indonesia Construction Agency/BKI=Badan Konstruksi Indonesia), repair the installation of pipes, electrical and navigation systems repair, etc..

Alluding to the availability of electrical energy in Langkat especially in the Gulf Region III Haru, PT PLN (Persero) is currently implementing the construction of mega power plant project in New capacity 2 x 200 MW in the village of Tanjung Pasir, Pangkalan Susu District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra Province, which is scheduled will enter the network system in 2011.

So no more excuses for the PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia-I, which had dared to sign the MoU with PT Pertamina (Persero) for not seeking a solution for the Public Port District may soon be realized in Langkat (Pangkalansusu). That hope most Pangkalansusu citizens and surrounding areas.

Pangkalan Susu, January 11, 2011

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011


By: Inge Suryani Purwita

Every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above, derived from the Father of light. In Him there is no change or shadow due to the exchange.(James 1:17)

Psalm 5:13 Because thou bless the righteous, O Lord, thou defend him with your grace like a shield. If we can contemplate God's grace given to every day, how much love and goodness to us, then we will be able to enjoy the grace of God as a special gift.If we can enjoy the grace of God as a gift is actually understanding and appreciation we will cross as Christ was the one who determines whether we can enjoy God's gift as a special gift or not. It also makes us to always have a heart full of gratitude or not. Not all believers to understand and appreciate the work of the Cross of Jesus Christ, even we see many who do not understand it, so we see a lot of people who believe her life is far from gratitude, filled with grumble and discontent. In order to understand the cross of Christ, we need to give gifts back to God who will make us able to feel how great God's love for us. Thus we can enjoy God's gift as a special gift.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus), so that everyone who believes believes in Him (Jesus) should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16)

"Blessed are those who do not walk according to the counsel of the wicked, who do not stand the way of sinners, and that does not sit in a collection of people who like to mock, but his favorite is the law of God, and who are contemplating the Torah on it day and night," (Psalm 1:1-2)

"In Him (Jesus), you also - because you have heard the word of truth, the Gospel of salvation; in nature Him you also, when you believe, sealed with the Holy Spirit, who promised it. And the Holy Spirit is the guarantee that our part until we get the whole, the redeemer who also makes us belong to God " (Ephesians 1:13-14). May Jesus Christ always bless those who believe in Him day and night. Amen.

Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, January 6, 2011