Kamis, 13 November 2014

TAC Eksindo Perform Well Drilling ATD-5 at The Telaga Said Structure

PANGKALANBRANDAN, FrildanaM3.com - Pertamina EP - Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) Eksindo Telaga Said Darat back to drill a second well in the Telaga Said structure on Telaga Said village sub-district of Sei Lepan, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia, Wednesday (12/11).

Drilling oil wells ATD-5 is a continuation after completion ATD-1 wells in the village of Lama Baru still in the region of Telaga Said Structure some time ago. According to TAC Eksindo Drilling Enginnering, Terza, the implementation of drilling ATD-5 will be reaching a depth of 500 to 600 meters with an estimated working life can be completed for 15 days. This is done by using the drilling rig ZSA (Zheng Yuan Southern Asia), China.

On that occasion, the Head of the Department of Mines and Energy Langkat Regency M.Iskandar in his speech among others said, during these big names Telaga Said, known as the area of the largest oil producers in Indonesia and even in Southeast Asia since 1885, impressed forgotten.

"Now Pertamina EP-TAC Eksindo ventured do everything possible to"revive" Telaga Said structure through which drilling has been and will be made soon by using drill furniture comes from Chinese bamboo curtain country," he said.

Therefore, to all elements of society he hoped the support and prayer that can be carried out exploration work as expected so Telaga Said back known as the region's oil resources in Langkat. If Eksindo succeed in this drilling, then Langkat will receive additional input sharing oil 6 percent from the lifting or oil sold.

The same thing also delivered by Head of Subdistrict Sei Lepan Faisal Rizal Matondang, when drilling ATD-5 successfully, besides sharing from oil obtained this area also help through their CSR (Corporate Social resposibility) will also flow in Sei Lepan particular Telaga Said Village.

In early Eksindo present in this area, the road infrastructure already looked wide and good after being repaired by TAC Eksindo. It is very important, he added, given the infrastructure is the main access road to boost the economy of local residents.

While the Field Manager of Pertamina EP - TAC Eksindo Telaga Said Darat H.Aswin in the inauguration of drilling oil wells ATD-5 do not forget to thank the company to the community that has helped support the drilling operations, both of which have been and will be implemented soon. "Without the support of all elements of society, is not possible on this area of our operations to run smoothly," said Aswin.

Also attending the opening prayer and the drilling well ATD-5, Police Chief Sector Pangkalanbrandan Assistant Commissioner of Police SR Tambunan, The commander of military Rayon 13 Captain of Infantry Nasril Tanjung, Vice GM Pertamina EP -TAC Eksindo Telaga Said Darat Jacky Yao, The head village of Telaga Said Sujuno along with youth leaders, religion and society.

On the sidelines of the event, Public Relations TAC Eksindo Telaga Said Darat, Irwan Hasri Kantan, SE to FrildanaM3.com explain the company has been doing the slaughtering an cow to feast drilling wells of salvation that ATD-5 run smoothly and can produce results in the form of oil. (fi)

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014

TAC EksindoTelaga Said Darat Drill Oil Well ATD-1

ZSA rig workers are drilling the first oil well ATD-1 (Photo THNews/fi)

PANGKALANSUSU, Telukharunews.com - In an effort to add new oil and gas reserves and catchment in North Sumatra, especially in Langkat, TAC (Technical Assistance Contract) Eksindo Telaga Said Darat to drill oil wells ATD-1 at the Lama Baru Village, District Sei Lepan, Langkat Monday, October 6, 2014.

Wingsang Umbara as Drilling Engineer in his speech, among other states, drilling oil wells direcanakan ATD-1 reached a depth of between 500 to 600 meters in formations MS 2 and is scheduled to last for 12 working days.

On that occasion, Field Manager of TAC Eksindo Telaga Said Darat, please H.Aswin blessing and support of all parties, especially Lama Baru Village residents that drilling can run smoothly without any major obstacles that can produce results as we would expect.

After the main event GM TAC Eksindo Telaga Said Darat, Robin Yang donated an ox to the Lama Baru Village community received directly by the village head Wakijo (Photo THNews/fi).
While Field Manager of PT Pertamina EP Asset I Pangkalansusu Field, Dirasani Thaib reminded that the workers who carry out drilling ATD-1 so seriously to the problem of HSE (Health, Safety & Environment), the health, safety and environmental protection. "It's very important to be a concern us all," said Dirasani.

In addition, he also explains, TAC Eksindo is a partner of Pertamina EP and the results obtained Eksindo production will increase the rate of production of Pertamina EP, which in turn will ultimately impact for economic development Langkat citizens, especially the Lama Baru Village.

Camat Sei Lepan represented by Dian Kurniawan on the occasion conveying instruction Langkat Regent, Ngogesa Sitepu that in order to prioritize the implementation of this drilling safety and environmental protection. Dian hope to communities in order to support the operational activities undertaken by the Eksindo.

"If drilling reaping the rewards as expected, it will affect the economy of the villagers," said Dian.
After the main event GM TAC Eksindo Telaga Said Darat, Robin Yang donated an ox to the Lama Baru Village community received directly by the village head Wakijo witnessed by Eksindo Management Team, Management Team I PT Pertamina EP Asset I Pangkalansusu Field, Muspika District of Sei Lepan and other invited . (fi)

Selasa, 30 September 2014

ICP August 2014 Reaches USD 99.51 per barrel

MT Valiant during a mooring in the waters off the Gulf coast of Aru, Pangkalansusu. (Photo THNews/fi)

JAKARTA, Price of Indonesian crude oil in August 2014 based on ICP Formula calculation reached US $ 99.51 per barrel, down US $ 5.12 per barrel of US $ 104.63 per barrel in July 2014.

While the price of Minas / SLC reach US $ 100.00 per barrel, down by US $ 5.06 per barrel from US $ 105.06 per barrel in July 2014.

Oil Indonesian team states, the decline in crude oil prices is in line with the development of a major crude oil prices in the international market caused by several factors, namely:

1 Based on reports of OPEC and the International Energy Agency (IEA) in August 2014, refineries processing crude oil in the Atlantic Basin and the resulting high inventory operates several types of products have increased. Similarly in Asia, refinery processing conditions have returned to normal operation and maintenance period resulted in a mild increase in distillate supplies. The level of profit (margin) refinery in the Americas and Asia weakened in July to early August.

2 According to the OPEC report in August 2014, OPEC crude oil production in July 2014 increased by 167,000 tons barrels per day compared to June 2014 and is based on the IEA report in August 2014, production of crude oil in the month of July 2014 in general has increased to 93.04 million barrels per day or higher by 230,000 barrels per day compared to the previous month.

3 According to the OPEC report in August 2014, the projected demand for crude oil in 2014 was slightly lower by 20,000 barrels per day compared with the previous month projection. Similarly, the projected demand growth in 2014 of 1.1 million barrels per day or less 0.03 million barrels per day compared to estimates in the previous month.

4 Based on the EIA report in August, the average crude oil production in July reached 8.5 million barrels per day which is the highest production rate since April 1987.

For the Asia Pacific region, the decline in oil prices occurred due to a decrease in demand for crude oil and its derivatives in almost all of Japan and South Korea as well as the condition of the refinery has been operating normally with the condition of low margins and light distillate stocks processed high.

Developing the main oil prices in the international market more:

- Brent (ICE) fell by US $ 4.79 per barrel from US $ 108.19 per barrel to US $ 103.40 per barrel.

- OPEC Basket fallen by US $ 4.82 per barrel from $ 105.61 per barrel to US $ 100.79 per barrel.

- WTI (NYMEX) fell by US $ 6.31 per barrel from $ 102.39 per barrel to US $ 96.08 per barrel.

- Tapis (Platts) fallen by US $ 5.13 per barrel from US $ 112.09 per barrel to US $ 106.96 per barrel.

Source: Directorate General of Oil and Gas